Greg Paulus

Greg Paulus

Greg Paulus has been performing as a trumpet player, vocalist, keyboard player and DJ for 16 years and throughout that time he has toured internationally in Europe, Asia, North and South America, Africa and Russia. He has toured as a band m...
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4 albums
7 tracks
Cover art for "Taylor Bense, Greg Paulus, Stimulus, Swim Good, Malik Work — swiTCH feat. Swim Good & Taylor Bense"
Cover art for "Tone Of Arc, Lil'T, Greg Paulus — Eyes Wide Shut feat. Greg Paulus"
Cover art for "PillowTalk, Greg Paulus — Safety feat. Greg Paulus"
PillowTalkSafety feat. Greg PaulusPillowTalk Music 123 BPM Am 15 Jun 2018 House
Cover art for "PillowTalk, Greg Paulus — All People feat. Greg Paulus"
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Greg Paulus