Romantic House Era, Episode One
Nico Pusch, Tony Casanova, Benn Finn, Lars Wickinger, Rodriguez Jr., Nicone, Mirco Niemeier, Marc De Vole, Sascha Braemer, Traumlos, Charly, Patrick Muschiol, Minimal Lounge, Sebastian Boldt, Adam Eve, Alex Q, MLND, Bjoern Nafe, Marco Darko, Paul Stott, Patrick Schulze, Exciter, Kassettenzeugs, Oliver Marmann, Rich vom Dorf
WASABILOVE001D 23 Aug 2013
Romantic House Era, Episode One is featuring the top artists of the most hyped & popular electronic music style at the moment and the summer 2013. Its all about romantic, heartbreaking & deep house music with a lot of melodies and emotions ...