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Parquet Goodies 2014
Pedro Mercado, Benotmane, Mashk, Matthias Springer, Solee, Tim Engelhardt, Boss Axis, Karada, Talul, Pen Perry, Mandibula, Leevey, Einmusik, Maverickz, Microtrauma, E-Spectro, Leonhard West, J Diesel, Clawz SG, Tvardovsky, Whomi, Fernando Olaya, Francois Rengere, Dale Middleton, Unique Repeat, Slackwax, Skena, Claudio Carrera, Christopher Kah, Von&Zu
parquetcomp020 22 Dec 2014
2014 was a great year with a lot of releases for Parquet Recordings. Here is your chance to get a fine collection with the most successful tracks of Solee's constant growing imprint.

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